Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Updates to the Multi-cultural List

Lists have their drawbacks.
You can't always include everything you want, and titles don't always have the broad appeal one hopes for.
With some helpful feedback from parents of in-coming sixth graders, who felt there was a need for more titles that their children could related to, we have added a coupleof award-wining titles to this list:

Tracking Trash: Flotsam, Jetsam, and the Science of Ocean Motion, by Loree Griffin Burns
Aided by an army of beachcombers, oceanographer Dr. Curtis Ebbesmeyer tracks trash in the name of science. From sneakers to hockey gloves, Curt monitors the watery fate of human-made cargo that has spilled into the ocean. The information he collects is much more than casual news; it is important scientific data. And with careful analysis, Curt, along with a community of scientists, friends, and beachcombers alike, is using his data to understand and protect our ocean.

Revenge of the Whale: The True Story of the Whaleship Essex, by Nathaniel Philbrick

On November 20, 1820, the whaleship Essex was rammed and sunk by an angry whale.  Within minutes, the twenty-one-man crew, including the fourteen-year-old cabin boy Thomas Nickerson, found themselves stranded in three leaky boats in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with barely any supplies and little hope.

The Amazing Harry Kellar by Gail Jarrow
Presenting the amazing Harry Kellar! The first magician to receive international fame! The most well-known illusionist at the turn of the twentieth century! The model for the Wizard of Oz! Author Gail Jarrow follows Kellar from a magician’s assistant traveling and performing across the United States during the Civil War to an international superstar with a show of his own, entertaining emperors, kings, and presidents.

Check them out!

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